Penn Brueghel Professor Guido Vanheeswijck
University of Antwerp
Max Kade German Culture and Media Center, Rm 329 on the third floor of 3401 Walnut St (entrance next to Starbucks)

The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Flanders Government Delegation in the USA invite you to attend the Brueghel Lecture:"'About suffering he was never wrong, the old Brueghel': The Humanites as Vocation" by Penn Brueghel Professor Guido Vanheeswijck (University of Antwerp) The event will take place Friday, 19 April 2019, 2:00-3:30PM with a reception following the lecture at the Max Kade German Culture and Media Center, Rm 329 on the third floor of 3401 Walnut St (entrance next to Starbucks). Guido Vanheeswijck, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Antwerp, works in the areas of philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, metaphysics and the relation between literature and philosophy. In many of his numerous English and Dutch-language publications, he focuses on the concepts of secularization, religion, and tolerance, often in relation to the idea of Europe. We apologize for scheduling the event on the day Passover begins and Good Friday is observed. For scheduling reasons, no other date was available. Please RSVP to by April 16th.