Max Kade German Culture & Media Center 3401 Walnut Street, Room 329 A (entrance next to Starbucks)
Learning how to work with German archives.
Dr. Roland S. Kamzelak
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
“The Productive Archive”
After an introduction to the German Literature Archive, its institutions, its holdings, its exhibitions and activities like summer courses, readings of important German writers a.s.f. Dr. Kamzelak will talk about access, access via catalogs, visits in the reading room, digitization and editions.
Dr. Paul Peucker
Moravian Church Archives
“Moravian Recordkeeping”
Moravians, like some other Pietist groups, are well known for their detailed recordkeeping. Today, their archives on both sides of the Atlantic serve as repositories of sources on various aspects of eighteenth-century life. Whereas these these rich collections are frequently used, few scholars have explored the meaning and functions of Moravian recordkeeping: why did Moravians keep detailed records? Which role did these records play in Moravian life and and in their self identity?
Records are not only kept for reasons of accountability but records can also serve other purposes. Recently, archivists have begun to look at the symbolic meaning of record keeping. Archivists have also become interested in the conscious and unconscious choices that are made in order to consider something worth archiving.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
4:00 p.m.
Max Kade German Culture & Media Center
3401 Walnut Street, Room 329 A (entrance next to Starbucks)
Refreshments will be served!