Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Room 304
The Penn German Club would like to invite you to
A Conversation with Dr. Michael Burri: Austrian Film In An International Context Tuesday, February 26th, 8pm Jon M. Huntsman Hall, Room 304
Dr. Burri will join us for a conversation on contemporary Austrian cinema. He will point out how the Austrian film differs from American or German film, show some clips of current movies, elaborate on why Austrian film is even worth talking about, and answer any questions you may have, such as: Who is Michael Haneke, and why does he keep winning so many awards? What role - if any - does Christoph Waltz play in Austrian film? Find out next Tuesday! Please also refer to our facebook event page at
MICHAEL BURRI studied with Andries Deinum, an early collaborator of Joris Ivens and co-founder of Film Quarterly. Burri holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, with a specialization in Central Europe, and has published scholarly articles in The German Review, The Austrian History Yearbook and New German Critique, and journalism in leading Czech dailies, and in the Philadelphia Inquirer and Pittsburgh Post Gazette. He recently contributed an essay and seven film capsules to World Film Locations: Vienna, ed. Robert von Dassonowsky (Intellect 2012).
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