Margy Meyerson Conference Room, second floor of Van Pelt Library
Carlos Spoerhase will be delivering his talk, "Printed as Manuscript": The Material History of a Strange Genre, 1760-1830, at the workshop in the History of Material Texts. Carlos Spoerhase of Humboldt Universitaet will present on Goethe
at the History of Material Texts Workshop.
The workshop in the History of Material Texts will celebrate its 21st year in 2013-14. Participants (including faculty, librarians, graduate students, booksellers and anyone else interested) come from a very wide range of disciplines; all are welcome to attend. The usual format of the seminar is a presentation of approximately thirty minutes, followed by discussion, based if possible on handouts or other visual materials. Unless noted otherwise, meetings will be held on Mondays at 5:15pm in the Martin and Margy Meyerson Conference Room on the second floor of Van Pelt Library. If you would like to receive announcements about upcoming meetings, please sign up for our listserv using this link. For more information, please contact Jessica Rosenberg, 2013-14 Brizdle-Schoenberg Fellow in the History of Material Texts, at jessicar at sas dot upenn dot edu.