Max Kade German Culture & Media Center 3401 Walnut Street, Room 329 A
A talk by Prof. Barbara Vinken (München)
The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
is pleased to announce a talk
“Kleist and the Germans.
Blond tresses, dismembered bodies.”
Professor Barbara Vinken
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
and the Flaubert Center
Monday, March 21, 2011
5:30 p.m.
Max Kade German Culture & Media Center
3401 Walnut Street, Room 329 A
(Entrance next to Starbucks)
Barbara Vinken is Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and director of the Flaubert Center. Her most recent books are “Flaubert – Durchkreuzte Moderne”, Frankfurt: Fischer 2009 and “Bestien – Kleist und die Deutschen”, Berlin: Merve 2011.