Occupy the Canon: Pedagogy and Politics

Friday, February 17, 2012

Occupy the Canon: Pedagogy and Politics

A Center for Teaching and Learning Graduate Student Workshop

convener: Dan DiMassa, CTL Graduate Fellow, German 


Dr. Bethany Wiggin

Associate Professor and Undergraduate Chair, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

When: February 17th, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

where: The Max Kade Center (3401 Walnut St, Floor 3)

* Refreshments will be served


What place does politics have in the liberal arts classroom? How does the pedagogue navigate the line between the vita contemplativa and the vita activa? In this workshop, Professor Bethany Wiggin, an early modernist whose work draws on gender and postcolonial studies, will explore ways of answering these questions while touching on topics like teaching a canon, legitimating syllabi, and challenging students' passive consumption of knowledge.
