Preparing a Teaching Portfolio for the Job Market

Thursday, September 15, 2016 - 10:00am to 11:30am

Max Kade Center, Room 329-A
3401 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Professors Ian Fleishman, German Dept. and Rahul Mukherjee, English and Cinema Studies

Convener: Erika Kontulainen, CTL Graduate Fellow

This workshop will address strategies for preparing a compelling teaching portfolio for the academic job market, focusing on common questions. How soon should I start preparing materials and what form should these take? Is print still the best medium or are digital portfolios the new norm? How to prepare a sample syllabus? How general and specific should the syllabus be, and to whom should it be targeted? How critical are student evaluations, and is there a way to package/showcase them? Does it make sense to include videos of teaching demonstrations or is it best to wait until they are requested? How can I write a persuasive, original and earnest teaching philosophy without it sounding hackneyed? What sorts of questions about teaching are likely to come up in an interview and how can I prepare to answer them? What about on-campus visits? How should I prepare for teaching demonstrations? What should I expect? All graduate students considering continued careers in teaching are welcome to attend and encouraged to bring any portfolio materials they might have.

All Graduate Students are welcome. This event grows out of concerns in the German department and so may be most useful to students in related fields. Counts toward the CTL teaching certificate. No registration necessary. Coffee will be served.