Secrets of a Soul / Geheimnisse einer Seele

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slought Foundation, 4017 Walnut St.

As part of "The Wolf Man Paints!" exhibition at Slought Foundation we invite you to a screening of "Secrets of a Soul/Geheimnisse einer Seele" (dir. G.W. Pabst, 1926)Introduced by Simon Richter, Professor of German
A Psychoanalytic Thriller Restored by the Munich Film Museum and the F.W. Murnau Foundation. In the 1920s, film studios around the world sought to capitalize on the public's curiosity about the newborn science of psychoanalysis. In 1925, Hans Neumann (of Ufa's Kulturfilm office) contacted members of Sigmund Freud's inner circle with a plan to make a dramatic film that explores the mystifying process of the interpretation of dreams. With the help of noted psychologists Karl Abraham and Hanns Sachs, and under the direction of G.W. Pabst (Pandora's Box), "Secrets of a Soul" was completed. Werner Krauss, who had played the deranged Dr. Caligari six years earlier, stars as a scientist who is tormented by an irrational fear of knives and the irresistible compulsion to murder his wife. Driven to the brink of madness by fantastic nightmares (designed by Ernö Metzner and photographed by Guido Seeber in a brilliant mix of expressionism and surrealism), he encounters a psychoanalyst who offers to treat the perplexing malady.When: Thursday, January 13, 2010 at 6:30pm. Where: Slought Foundation, 4017 Walnut St.For more information about "The Wolf Man Paints!" please visit:

**19 January 2011, 7pm (Slought)

Symposium on Celebrity Patients

* Arthur Caplan, Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania
* Max Cavitch, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania
* Frederick Fisher, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
* Sharrona Pearl, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
* Katherine Sender, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
* Moderated by Jean-Michel Rabaté, Senior Curator for Discursive Projects, Slought Foundation