Talking About Teaching in the Interview Process

Friday, March 23, 2012

Max Kade German Culture & Media Center, 3401 Walnut Street, A Wing, room 329 (entrance next to Starbucks)

A Center for Teaching and Learning Graduate Student Workshop

convener: Dan DiMassa, CTL Graduate Fellow, German

featuring: CJ Jones, Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
and Dr. Eric Jarosinski, Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

 When: March 23rd, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
where: The Max Kade Center (3401 Walnut St, Floor 3)

 * Refreshments will be served


 What sorts of questions about teaching should one expect to field in the interview process, and what might distinguish one's responses? How does someone whose teaching experience lies primarily in foreign-language pedagogy talk about the prospect of designing and teaching content-based courses? What are the dynamics of teaching a class that is not your own while on a job interview? In this session, CJ Jones, who this spring received three job offers and accepted a tenure-track position in German at the University of Notre Dame, will outline suggestions for such questions while discussing her recent experiences of the interview process. Dr. Eric Jarosinski will join us and offer insight from the perspective of a faculty member.
