Teaching as/for Public Engagement

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Bethany Wiggin

Associate Professor of German, Director Penn Program in Environmental Humanities

The Max Kade Center, 3401 Walnut Street, Room 329-A

Convener: Erika Kontulainen, CTL Graduate Fellow, German

This workshop explores models that integrate classroom conversations with issues on campus and beyond, both in undergraduate and graduate courses. Digital tools enable various configurations of classrooms to address matters of concern. Inspired in part by models elsewhere, from seminars on Black Lives Matter to literary censorship, this workshop foregrounds examples of seminars, assignments, colloquia, and program building in the environmental humanities. Participants are asked to bring and share examples of sample course activities that they have either participated in or designed and led that might be helpful to other students in developing their personal and professional lives.

All graduate students are welcome. Counts toward the CTL Teaching Certificate.

Coffee and cake will be served.

All welcome; no registration necessary.