Two Lectures in Environmental Humanities

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy invite you to Two Lectures in Environmental Humanities by Frank Uekötter (University of Birmingham, UK).


The Energy of Germany: Reflections on the Nuclear Exit and the Boom of Renewable Energy

Monday, April 4 at 5PM in 402 Cohen Hall


Germany's Gift to the World? Making Sense of the Legacy of Sustainable Forestry

Tuesday, April 5 from 10-12 in the Max Kade Center, 329A 3401 Walnut St (entrance next to Starbucks)


Author of The Greenest Nation? A New History of German Environmentalism, Frank Uekötter is Reader in Environmental Humanities. He has written or edited more than a dozen books on German and international environmental history including The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany and The Age of Smoke: Environmental Policy in Germany and the United States, 1880-1970.


Cosponsored by the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Department of History and Sociology of Science, and the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities