National identity has often been tied uncritically to geographic and linguistic boundaries. We are happy to welcome presenters from a wide range of disciplines, including German Studies, Comparative Literature, Slavic, Jewish Studies, East Asian Studies, and Near Eastern and Middle Eastern Studies.
Where East Meets West?: Encounters between ‘Germans’ and ‘the Other’
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Student Conference
February 21st, 2014
National identity has often been tied uncritically to geographic and linguistic boundaries. One way in which German national identity has been constructed is in its relation, and, indeed, opposition, to cultures and peoples beyond its Eastern frontier: the ‘Oriental’, the ‘Ottoman’, the ‘Slav’, the ‘Ostjude’. However, any attempt to constrain national identity to a discrete list of traits, beliefs, or opinions would be as impossible as trying to constrain a sense of Germanness to a particular geographic location or vernacular. Borders, languages, and identities are fluid, ever-changing, and changeable. And, in any case, where Germany ‘ends’ and where the East ‘begins’ has been contested and unstable throughout history into modern times. Encounters between peoples are never one-sided; thus it is important to consider the perspectives of those writing on both sides of the ‘border’. This conference will set out to explore and problematize the relationship between geography and identity and the meaning of the terms ‘Other’ and ‘German’. We are happy to welcome presenters from a wide range of disciplines, including German Studies, Comparative Literature, Slavic, Jewish Studies, East Asian Studies, and Near Eastern and Middle Eastern Studies.
We are privileged to host Dr. David Gramling from the University of Arizona, who will present the keynote address.
To view and download the schedule, click below under "Attachment."