Words off the Page: An Evening with Distinguished Women Poets

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

National Museum for American Jewish History, 5th and Broad St.

An evening of poetry at at the National Museum of American Jewish History, April 17 -- featuring three of Penn's own

Five Jewish women poets, Eleanor Wilner, Elaine Terranova, and three of Penn's own -- Lynn Levin, Kathryn Hellerstein, and Taije Silverman -- will be reading at the National Museum of American Jewish History on Wednesday, April 17 at 7 PM in Words off the Page: An Evening with Distinguished Women Poets.

This event is in celebration of National Poetry Month. The Museum is pleased to present the award-winning work of these poets who have enriched American poetry and the Jewish literary tradition.

Each will read selected poems followed by a discussion and talk-back, moderated by Ellen Frankel, opera librettist; former CEO and Editor-in-Chief, The Jewish Publication Society.

Light reception and book signing to follow.

$10/$5 members.

National Museum of American Jewish History
101 South Independence Mall East
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 923-3811

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