In a post for the Fulbright Student Program Blog entitled "All the World’s a Stage: Theater as Community Engagement," doctoral candidate Didem Uca reflects on how the experience of writing and performing in an intercultural theater project during her time as a Fulbright Fellow in Berlin impacted her scholarship and teaching. She writes: "Collaborating with the cast and crew felt like putting theory into practice; it gave me first-hand experience of the kinds of transcultural labor performed by the writers and protagonists I examine in my research, simultaneously enriching my understanding of transnational, multilingual art forms and my own self-understanding as a Turkish-American PhD Candidate in German studies. Writing and performing in this production and even helping to create the sets has invigorated my desire to become an active participant in contemporary German culture rather than a mere observer. I also feel encouraged to incorporate the arts in my teaching, scholarship, and activist work so that students and members of the community may feel inspired to make German culture their own." Read more here: https://blog.fulbrightonline.org/all-the-worlds-a-stage-theater-as-community-engagement/