Envisioning the "Old World" Conference

Thursday, November 29, 2012

<div class="field-item field-item-0">McNeil Center for Early American Studies</div><div class="field-item field-item-1">3355 Woodland Walk, near the North-East corner of 34th and Walnut St.</div>














An international conference to be held at the University of Pennsylvania. Co-sponsored by the McNeil Center for Early American Studies and the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pennsylvania.

Organized by Bethany Wiggin

With a keynote address by Hartmut Lehmann (Director Emeritus of the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte in Göttingen)

 November 29th to December 1st, 2012

Generous support has been provided by: the Department of English, the Department of History, the Department of Religious Studies, E. Ann Matter (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Religious Studies), the School of Arts and Sciences Conference Support Fund, the University Research Fund, and DAAD.

By the early 1740s, six decades after its founding by Quaker William Penn, Pennsylvania had emerged as a site where various imperial projects competed—for souls as well as for alliances, land, profit, and media and political influence. Taking the figure of the "Old World" as it was imagined by actors in the “New,” this conference reconsiders empire from fresh perspectives. Power did not travel across the Atlantic on a one-way street. Instead, as this conference explores, it took far more complex and interesting routes within the Atlantic world.