Penn PhDs and ABDs assume new academic and non-academic jobs. Matt Handelman landed a tenure track job at Michigan State University. In his first semester he’s teaching a third year course called “Anders Gedacht” and a graduate seminar on German modernism. Caroline Weist got a one-year appointment at Davidson College, while she completes her dissertation. She’s teaching first year German and Introduction to German Cultural Studies. Talking about her first experiences, she says “Thank you a hundred times to Christina Frei for the amazing training she gives us.” Melanie Adley is Associate Director of the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program and the Alice Paul Center at Penn. She’s teaching Gender and Society this semester, along with her administrative duties. We’re also keeping an eye on last year’s PhDs. C.J. Jones just started her second year as assistant professor in the Department of German and Russian at Notre Dame. Leif Weatherby is also in his second year in the Department of German at NYU. And Katie Malczyk just landed a job as Executive Communications Senior Associate with Google.