Friday, December 6, 2019 - 10:00am
Max Kade Center for German Culture and Media3401 Walnut Street, Room 329-APhiladelphia, PA 19104

Join us for the 2019 Brueghel Colloquium, organized by Visiting Brueghel Professor Dr. Hans Cools from KU Leuven Belgium. Speakers will present on various aspects of Amersterdam's involvment in Atlantic slave trades.
- Welcome with coffee
- Introduction by Tom Safley (University of Pennsylvania)
- Hans Cools (University of Pennsylvania/KU Leuven) - Francesco Feroni: The Practices of a Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam Slave Merchant
- Cátia Antunes (Leiden University) (via videoconferencing) - Public-Private Partnerships: The Perceived Coijmans Asiento between Historiografies
- Pablo Sierra (University of Rochester) - African Traces: The Slave Trade to Mexico through the Genoese and Dutch Asientos, 1664-1688
- Lunch break
- Kyle Repella (University of Pennsylvania) - Reconsidering Dutch and Indigenous Slaving Practices in the Seventeenth Century Mid-Atlantic
- Laura Eckstein (University of Pennsylvania) - Rev. Isaac Leeser’s Subscribers and Agents: An Atlantic Jewish World
- Coffee & tea break
- Wim Klooster (Clark University) - Imperial and Inter-Imperial Aspects of the Early Dutch Slave Trade
- Joseph Inikori (University of Rochester) - The Political Economy of Anglo-Dutch Rivalry in the Atlantic World
- Concluding remarks by Tom Safley (Unversity of Pennsylvania)
- Reception