Graduate Students
Contemporary German and Italian novels, identity construction, multilingualism, German post-migration literature.
20th Century German Cinema, Gender and Sexuality, Queer Literature, and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Contemporary literature, Ecocriticism, and Translation
· The Transition of Literary Works to Film Adaptations· Female Authors Who Emigrated from Germany to the United States, such as Vicki Baum· 20th Century German Literature
Theories of subjectivity, rhetoric, (urban) ecologies, disability studies, the long 20th century, food studies, German Democratic Republic and Wilhemine Berlin
Weimar Republic, Contemporary German Novel, Foreign Language Pedagogy, Turkish-German Studies/Migration Literature
German literary and intellectual history in the long nineteenth century; German Idealism and Romanticism; German Modernism; Philosophy; Psychoanalysis; Aesthetics; Gender and Sexuality; Comparative Studies in Chinese and Anglophone Literatures