Swedish Courses
Courses are in rotation: Elementary & Intermediate Swedish I will be offered in the fall, and Elementary & Intermediate Swedish II will be offered in the spring every year.
Elementary Swedish I (SWED 0100 (formerly SWED 101 - Fall Semester)
Elementary Swedish I Syllabus - Fall semester 2021 (pdf file)
Elementary Swedish II (SWED 0200 (formerly SWED 102 - Spring Semester)
Elementary Swedish II Syllabus - Spring semester 2020 (pdf file)
Intermediate Swedish I (SWED 0300 (formerly SWED 103 - Fall Semester - cancelled for Fall 2021)
Intermediate Swedish I Syllabus - Fall semester 2021 (pdf file)
Intermediate Swedish II (SWED 0400 (formerly SWED 104 - Spring Semester)
Prospectus and Syllabus: SWED104 - Spring 2021 (pdf file)
The courses are designed to give you good practical communication skills and cross-cultural insights. The courses can also prepare you for further studies or work in Scandinavia.
Course flyers. Note that the Swedish courses were previously coded SCND. Starting Fall 2020, the prefix is SWED.
- Elementary Swedish I course SCND101 Fall 2019 (pdf file)
- Elementary Swedish II course SCND102 Spring 2020 (pdf file)
- Intermediate Swedish I course SWED103 Fall 2020 (pdf file)
- Swedish Intermediate II Spring 2021 (pdf file)
- 5 reasons to study Swedish at Penn (pdf file)
Resources and links
Scandinavian resources in the Penn Libraries
- https://guides.library.upenn.edu/swedish
- https://www-pressreader-com.proxy.library.upenn.edu/catalog/sweden
Study in Scandinavia
- Study in Sweden
- The American-Scandinavian Foundation
- Penn Abroad - The Swedish Program in Stockholm, swedishprogram.org, The Swedish Program 2020-2021 (pdf)
- Penn Abroad - Danish program in Copenhagen
- Uppsala International Summer Session, Study Swedish in Uppsala Summer 2020 (pdf)
Swedish Language Help
- Tyda.se Swedish-English Dictionary
- Bab.la Swedish-English Dictionary
- Svenska Akademiens ordböcker
- Learning Swedish Swedish language course
About Sweden
American Swedish and New Sweden Colony Links
- American Swedish Historical Museum (Philadelphia)
- Swedish Colonial Society
- Kalmar Nyckel, Delaware's Tall ship
For more information please contact:
Lada Vassilieva
Swedish Program
715-716 Williams Hall
Penn Language Center
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305