Just as in the past years, students from GRMN 104 and GRMN 107 met with German volunteers from Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (
Interkultureller Austausch
October 16, 2018 -
Andreas Kilcher (ETH Zürich) and Liliane Weissberg Have Edited a New Book on the Form of the Commentary in Modern Jewish Philosophy
September 25, 2018Andreas Kilcher (ETH Zürich) and Liliane Weissberg have edited an anthology, Nachträglich, grundlegend: Der Kommentar als Denkform in der jüdischen Moderne von Hermann Cohen bis Jacques Derrida (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag).
Didem Uca Writes about Multilingual Theater Project for Fulbright Blog
September 12, 2018In a post for the Fulbright Student Program Blog entitled "All the World’s a Stage: Theater as Community Engagement," doctoral candidate Didem Uca reflects on how the experience of writing and performing in an intercultural theater project during her time as a Fulbright Fellow in Berlin impacted
Liliane Weissberg Has Been Awarded a 2019 Humboldt Research Fellowship For Her New Book Project on Early Twentieth Century Material Culture
September 11, 2018Liliane Weissberg has been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for her new book project, provisionally entitled "In Circulation: Modern Literature, Philosophy, Art, and the Medium of the Postcard.
Liliane Weissberg has published a book on Berlin court Jews and the invention of "German" music
September 5, 2018Liliane Weissberg has published a book on the musical practice in the homes of Berlin court Jews, Münzen, Hände, Noten, Finger: Berliner Hofjuden und die Erfindung einer deutschen Musikkultur.
Penn-led Proposal Wins Water as Leverage Design Competition in Semarang, Indonesia
August 30, 2018Simon Richter is member of a team of Dutch, Indonesian and American landscape architects, engineers, ecologists, and social and climate activists, led by Matthijs Bouw, Rockefeller Urban Resilience Fellow at Penn Design and director of ONE Architecture in Amsterdam and New York.
Liliane Weissberg and Michael Brenner Discuss the 1918 Munich Revolution and Räterepublik
August 16, 2018As part of a public lecture and discussion series organized by the Center for Advanced Studies Munich, Liliane Weissberg and Michael Brenner (LMU Munich) have presented papers, and discussed, the role of writers and philosophers during the 1918 Munich Revolution and its aftermath.
Catriona MacLeod receives a 2018 Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).
June 29, 2018Catriona MacLeod has been awarded a 2018 Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). The Fellowship will support her current book project, Romantic Scraps: Cutouts, Collages, and Inkblots, which explores the proliferation of paper-cuts, collage, decoupage, and inkblots in German and Danish Romanticism.
Liliane Weissberg joins Munich's Zentrum für Buchwissenschaft
June 28, 2018Liliane Weissberg has joined the international academic council of the Zentrum für Buchwissenschaft: Buchforschung, Verlagswirtschaft, Digitale Medien.