V.l.: Vizestudiendekan Nikolaus Reisinger, Laudator Gerald Lamprecht, Ehrendoktorin Liliane Weissberg, Rektor Peter Riedler, Dekan Michael Walter. Foto: Gasser
V.l.: Vizestudiendekan Nikolaus Reisinger, Laudator Gerald Lamprecht, Ehrendoktorin Liliane Weissberg, Rektor Peter Riedler, Dekan Michael Walter. Foto: Gasser
Liliane Weissberg taught as Kurt Brühl Visiting Professor at the Center for Jewish Studies in Graz in Spring 2007. Since then, she has returned to Graz several times to present a paper, participate in a meeting, or serve on a committee.
Each year, Penn’s Office of University Communications publishes a brochure to report on “Research at Penn,” for alumni and trustees. This year (vol, 20/2022) the German Department is represented with a brief story about Liliane Weissberg’s new book, "Benjamin Veitel Ephraim: A Banker, Writer—and A Spy.”
The Freud Museum in London is currently showing an exhibition on Freud and China, focusing on Freud’s interest in this country, and his Chinese antiquities. But there is also news in regard to China and Freud.
This December, Liliane Weissberg joined the Advisory Board of a new Berlin institute, the Berlin Center of Intellectual Diaspora.
Last May, the Piper publishing house in Munich published a new volume of Thomas Meyer’s new edition of Hannah Arendt’s works, her Rahel Varnhagen: Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik.
The Literaturhaus Munich is currently showing an excellent exhibition about Hannah Arendt, curated by Monika Boll. It had its origin at the German Historical Museum last year.
Kathryn Hellerstein's new book: China and Ashkenazic Jewry: Transcultural Encounters
Inside the Archives
Through a new course created and taught by Liliane Weissberg of the School of Arts and Sciences, graduate students learn the ins and outs of working with an archive, as a scholar and as an archivist. "I felt this would be a good opportunity to invent a new course that is introducing our graduate students not only to work in the archives, but also to questions of what an archive means--historically and theoretically," she says.
ANN: NCGS Zoom Seminar with Vance Byrd (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures): Friday, 8 April 2022
by Kenneth Alarcón Negy